(The Situation Update Report [SUR] is a near real-time brief of a possible threat or situation being monitored by The Counter Threat Center. The information is accurate at the time of reporting, but maybe subject to change.)
Lydia Baccino, Gabriel Helupka, Extremism Team
Evan Beachler, Senior Editor
December 30, 2023

Image Taken From Inspire Footage[1]
Current Situation:
Within the past week, Inspire, a self-proclaimed “open-source jihad” group, released a new 45-minute video detailing threats against American aviation companies and “high profile personalities'' associated with the American economy, which they claim drives support against a war on Islam. The video includes homemade bomb-making instructions and tips on how to bypass standard security protocols implemented within airports while building these bombs. Inspire said they are releasing these bomb-making instructions, known as “The Hidden Bomb,” as part of a “complete program for the “lone mujahid” to acquire readily-made bomb-making materials to breach security barriers. Inspire cites Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab’s, commonly referred to as the “Underwear Bomber,” unique bombing attempt of Northwest Airline Flight 253 as blueprints to develop these hidden bomb types.[2]
Day/Time of event:
This footage was posted on approximately December 25/December 26, 2023
What is the current threat:
Several major metropolitan cities are seen within the video; therefore, it is very likely that these will appear as targets for an attack. As the holiday season is mentioned and as New Year's festivities approach, public transport will very likely become a target type for these individuals. Targeting of public transport is almost certainly due to the increased foot traffic and usage of public transportation during this period.
Inspire very likely possesses technical knowledge of bomb-crafting techniques to potentially bypass standard transportation security protocols like metal detectors and bomb-sniffing dogs, creating challenges for routine security checks. Any Inspire-linked attack will likely occur on American soil, encouraging potential attackers to blend in and remain calm.
The instructions in this video pertaining to bomb-making and the ease at which these household items are available make it likely that this video inspires “lone-wolf” individuals to create and carry out attacks. As the items needed are common, it will very likely make it difficult for law enforcement to monitor the purchasing of these items and detect individuals constructing explosives.
Who will it directly impact:
Civil aviation companies
American companies
British companies
French companies
American economy high profile personalities
Government officials
Transportation passengers
Law enforcement
Airport security personnel
[1] CTG Threat Hunter 3 via “The Hidden Bomb”
[2] Ibid